Theme: All Things New
All Things New: Look What God is Doing!
The act of storytelling is as ancient as human communication. From writing on the walls of caves to oral tradition to written words to campfires and dinner tables—stories are how we pass on the meaning and beauty of our history. Stories make us laugh or cry. They make us more aware. They help us understand. They illuminate any shadowy spots in our lives.
Jesus used stories to teach his disciples—and us—about what it means to live in his kingdom. The stories are called parables. In “All Things New – Look What God Is Doing,” we’ll look to the Master Storyteller, Jesus himself, to discover six different parables and invite the Holy Spirit to teach us through these sacred stories.
Themes for “All Things New” **
Discovery 1—The Secret Is: We Are God’s Soil Scripture: Mark 4:1–9, 13–20—The Parable of the Four Soils
Discovery 2—The Secret Is: We Can Ask Boldly Scripture: Luke 11:5–10—The Parable of a Friend in Need
Discovery 3— The Secret Is: God Is Generous Scripture: Matthew 20:1–16—The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Discovery 4—The Secret Is: God Treasures Us Scripture: Luke 15:1–10—The Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
Discovery 5—The Secret Is: Jesus Is in the “Least of These” Scripture: Matthew 25:31–40 (41–46)—The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
Discovery 6—The Secret Is: God Plants Us in the World Scripture: Matthew 13:31–35—The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast