
Mission and Ministry of the Presbytery

The mission and ministry of the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley is carried out by men and women who give of their time and talents through the work of several divisions and committees.

Commission on Ministry

The COM will seek to enable the presbytery to minister effectively in relating to its congregations and ministers and in recruiting, nurturing and supporting church professionals.

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Commission on Preparation for Ministry

The CPM will seek to enable the presbytery to minister effectively in relating to its congregations and ministers and in recruiting, nurturing, and supporting church professionals.

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Congregational Vitality

Congregational Vitality seeks to equip congregations to answer the particular calling that God has for each of them.  We encourage our congregations to regularly and systematically evaluate their mission and ministry so that they can most effectively reach the communities of which they are a part.

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Mission Coordinator

The Mission Coordinator shares the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ by identifying and responding to human hurts and hopes; interpreting and promoting the mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA), involving and inspiring all people of the Presbytery to share in Christ’s ministry of peace and justice, supporting current local and international mission efforts of the Presbytery, and celebrating and discerning the Holy Spirit’s prompting on behalf of the Division.

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Equip, Nurture and Connect

The priorities of the ENC are to provide leadership development, encouragement, guidance, and resources to the churches in the presbytery. ENC also provides programmatic opportunities for all ages that may not be provided in a particular congregation.

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Anti- Racism Committee

The mission of the Anti-Racism Team of the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley is to learn about and address the historic, systemic, and individual racism found within our presbytery. We seek to encourage and equip our churches, presbytery staff and individuals to take part in training, relationship building, and active engagement in church and community efforts to repent for and dismantle racism in central Alabama.

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