Pandemic Ponderings by the Transitional Executive Presbyter of Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery
April 27, 2020
Dear Friends,
It was another robust Sunday of worship yesterday as you again offered up powerful messages of hope and encouragement in this Eastertide. One pastor put it this way, “We are an Easter people living in a Good Friday world.” Over the weekend the Washington Post published an article entitled, “Faces of the Dead” which showed pictures of people who have perished from the coronavirus with a brief biography of these beautiful lives lost. It is indeed a Good Friday world. Which is why the church’s proclamation of resurrection life is such a needed word. Bless you for proclaiming life and contributing to life and bearing witness to life that is larger than death. Part of how we do that is to continue to observe physical distancing. Hear J. Herbert Nelson, the Stated Clerk of the PCUSA, reflect on the church’s witness in this time. Ken Braddy, a church consultant has put together a list of 24 Questions churches should be asking before easing in to opening back up their buildings. It’s a provocative list and I commend it to you.
Among other comings and goings across the presbytery, Independent Presbyterian Church threw a drive-by send off to their pastor, Bill Carl on his last day with them. Thank you for your service, Bill and Jane and Godspeed in your retirement adventures! IPC now welcomes their interim pastor, Steve Goyer who will begin in May.
This afternoon, Sam Allison will hold a tutorial for us regarding the small business loans the government has been making available. I can see no reason that our churches would not want to take advantage of your own tax dollars at work. Join us!
And, of course, I will be hosting the presbytery on Thursday at 4:00pm. Come and be part of the conversation!
As always you are in my prayers. Prayers of thanksgiving for your extraordinary leadership in these strange times. Prayers of intercession that God will continue to uphold and guide you and keep you safe.
Sue Westfall